The CL0-D13 discharge is the largest discharge in the southern portion of the Aultmans Run Watershed.
The CL0-D13 discharge is a newly discovered discharge in a remote area of what is known locally as “Coon Hollow”, which is large property in the southern portion of the watershed that is owned by the PA Game Commission. This property was once owned by R&P Coal and was extensively underground and surface mined. The discharge flows directly out of a large underground mine from a crack in surface mine pit highwall. Monitoring indicates it is in the top five discharges in the watershed, contributing iron, aluminum, manganese, and acidity to Aultmans Run. Three pit ponds have formed downstream of the discharge that contain little to no life. Successful completion of the proposed project is expected to substantially improve the quality of the ponds and Aultmans Run. This project intends to construct Vertical Flow Ponds and a Settling Pond to remove the remaining acidity and metals prior to entering Aultmans Run. Upon completion, this system will improve several miles of Aultmans Run to its confluence with Conemaugh River Lake.
Partners: Aultman Watershed Association for Restoring the Environment (AWARE); BioMost, Inc.; G&C Lab; Indiana University of PA (IUP); PADEP-Cambria DMO; Stream Restoration Incorporated; Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team; volunteers