Neal Run Restoration Area

The Neal Run Restoration Project has undergone several phases.  Phase I involved the removal of 37, 608 tons of coal refuse and the installation of over 2500 feet of Oxidation Precipitation Channels (OPCs), also known as Terraced Iron Formations (TIFs).  This project was completed in 2012 and resulted in low-PH iron removal.  During the summer of 2018, an Auto-Flushing, Vertical Flow Pond (AFVFP) containing 715-tons of crushed limestone to generate alkalinity for metal removal and a 1/4-acre settling pond for the retention of metal precipitates was constructed.  Phase III consisted of the construction of a second AFVFP that contains 1,850 tons of high calcium carbonate AASHTO #1 limestone. This AFVFP flushes every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday using a solar-powered Agri Drain Automatic Water Level Control Structure into OPC1. The heavily impacted water quaility from the discharge still requires additional treatment components.

Sample Point
D2 10.9 2.8 6038 0 5030 943.6 15.7 430.0 6203
D3 4.8 3.2 1287 0 502 55.0 6.7 40.0 1012
RAW 23.4 3.0 5560 0 4397 958.4 14.6 449.3 4803
D7A 15.5 2.7 5149 0 4080 575 22.5 347.9 4955
OPC1-MID 17.2 7.4 468 70 -57 5.1 0.1 3.2 150
SP 14.5 2.8 6151 0 2425 295.8 10.3 235.7 3209
OPC1 Effluent 20.6 2.8 3116 0 1883 157.9 7.8 177.8 2560